Monday, November 28, 2011

The One Who Couldn`t

Is failure a part of success....does someone has to get failed in first to succeed in the end?

These are the questions that have been playing with our nerves since we have taken the first breath and for some people it remains the same till their last breath.
If you ask those questions to anyone, the answer would be affirmative.
But then the question arises....Is success the ultimate goal...Is success the ‘End of life’?

I would try to make it clear and let you decide it.

The feeling that comes into you while sitting on the porch of your house is the same feeling you get while lying in your mother’s lap. You feel comfort and secure. Your inner self finds calm. But that’s not the same for him. This is not the porch, not the house that he’s expected from life.
There’s an excerpt from a book that he still remembers, “every morning is a new morning, every sun is a new sun, every day is a new day....and every ‘you’ is a new you”.

Every Sunday, he used to sit there to confront what changes a new sun brings into our life through the first light of the morning. But the past remembrances always take its place........

Tic tic....tic tic.....the immortality of time always bothers us with its power that - it changes every moment. And he was feeling the same kind of botheration waiting outside the interview room. He knew things what were required in that interview room. He had that part of knowledge. He knew the level of competition, he’s facing upon. He wasn’t the only one feeling the same. Then the bell rang and his name was called.
Now it was his turn to sit on that electric chair where he was going to be interviewed, to be precise -executed. He was going to confront the most mystical creature of the whole world – the interviewers. It was the game of four against one for him.
There can be a number of types of interviewers having one thing common in all of them that they know everything they want to know about the person sitting in front of them but they still ask the freaky damn question...Tell me about yourself?.....They would seem and sound so pleasant and sweet that you won’t even know when you get fucked.

He took his sigh of relief after getting out of that courtroom. But the question was, “Would the decision be in favour of him or not?”
For him, it was no for a reply. The situation could be explained with utter sense of resentments or wordings but in simple word, he was rejected.

What is a success for you? I’ve asked this question to a lot of people. Some does have their answers but most do not. I still remember a person to whom i asked the same question and he answered,”....walking through the desert you come across with a number of hindrances, you feel like death is a more suitable option than this troublesome walking.
Every time you cover a mile you see another mile to cover. Then seeing a pond of fresh water is a success for me.” I queried,” but it can be a mirage too”. He asserted,” That’s what a success never know where to end, you’d have to go for it even if you are not certain.” To gain success, first of all what you need is to set some goals, you should have some ambitions.
Well, he also had one. He wanted to achieve something for which he should be proud of; he wanted to be a man in other’s eyes.

It’s just like a movie actress walking on the red carpet, looking so serene and beautiful, even if she hasn’t taken a bath that day but still wants to look perfect in other’s eyes. Yes, self satisfaction is importance but being living in a practical world, ‘self importance’ in other’s eyes is important too.

His ambitions were not that great, not so apprehensive. He was just like everybody else. He wanted to be known. He had always dreamt of a dream in which wearing a branded clothing he walked out of his house (suitable to be called a flat with well furnished bedroom, kitchen and washroom) for the office and he could see his wife’s eyes reflecting a happy and lively life with him.”

He wanted to fly high. To achieve all this, he needed to work really hard and he was aware of that. So he did. He prepared for the entrance exam with a great effort. He did everything what he felt was best for his future.

Preparing for an exam is not that easy. You always know about the risk involved in it. And it becomes really difficult to catch up with your preparation if you are not gaining good scores in your amid tests.

It wasn’t too easy for him also, rather-admirably difficult. It wasn’t like, he put apart the time boundedness of his daily routine and neither had he made the day-night hours into the study hours. He had a good studying schedule and the good thing was, he stuck to it except for a few times when he got into bed during the hours of getting off the bed for people of rural areas that is during the dawn hours.
But except all of this, he wasn’t getting the satiable result for his preparation. He wasn’t a soul-loser. His nerves were strong. He never lost the hope. He carried on with all the bumps and hurdles coming onto his way. Somewhere in his heart he knew that he’s going to succeed in the end.

There was a time when he prepared for the exam, there was a time when he went through with the exams and it was that time when the results came and....a failure! His soul got lost somewhere. He felt rejected and his soul couldn’t take it, it had to get lost to a place where no one could find it.
The time moves on and so does the life. They can’t halt or take a deep breath even for a while.

He couldn’t stay weeping for his failure and he also didn’t have those guts to start all over again. He had to move on. Now it was time to earn some money for him. He couldn’t live depending on his parents even if no parents take it that way but he had to take it that way to make his foundations grandeur. He took a job in an engineering college working as a lecturer.

You can always change your way but it’s not always important that the fate of the bad luck dies with that change. It’s in your inner self, it comes along with you.
He hadn’t had a calm life in that college too. We all know that bacteria and viruses always attack upon the weaker part of your body and bullies always bulls upon the person who can get bullied.
The guy was always the centre of attraction among people around him because he was always the person who was mocked. Even his colleagues had gained the guts to decree him for their purposes that didn’t even relate to him or his work in any way. He just had two options: either to ignore them that he couldn’t do or to be the rebellion that again he couldn’t do. And how could he oppose them, he had never learnt to oppose things that he didn’t like.
He didn’t even know the meaning of it. His past school life had made a great impact on his mentality. He used to get bullied there too. His fellow students had done hilarious acts with him but he didn’t oppose them and he never liked it about himself. He was afraid of them. He once complained to his teachers and parents about it, but wasn’t taken seriously and on the contrary he was ridiculed for those insalubrious complaints. He thought, he might be mistaking in even doing something good for himself.
It’s nothing like good things never incurred in his life. He was old enough to get married and his parents were aware of that fact.
What are the times when you feel a gag or you feel some little butterflies playing in your stomach? And, I’m sure you won’t deny that you have felt the same when you had gone to see your beloved wife or fiancĂ©e for the first time to her house.
You feel so anxious and so eager to wait for her but it’s like wearing a shoe without a sock that you can’t even show it on your face because there are a bunch of people sitting around you to catch you for the same thing. And when they do, they pull your leg so smartly that even a gag couldn’t resist your blushing and that is just like a cream on a cake.
The situation and the milieu was the same for him. He couldn’t wait for more; he couldn’t even sit with comfort. But every time some aunt or uncle asked him to have something to eat, he felt like yelling at them, saying, “Oh come on!! Do hell with your food and show me the real dish for which I am here.” But sometimes it’s worth waiting for a while longer. There she was in front of him and it was the first look of her that he still remembers. He knew that she was the one from the moment of her sight. They both liked each other.

It is said that the time between the engagement and marriage is precious and very delightful. But he didn’t want that. He wanted to own her soon. And he did.
It was the night that a married man can never forget. It was the night when got even, the night when two ions had to combine to become an atom. It was the night of the groom when they first made love. It was so intimate to be perfectly described. She looked so graceful that night that even her clothes made a spark of her beauty. It wasn’t lust. They adored each other with respect. It wasn’t all about the physical pleasure, it was love.

But things changed, they had to change. Love can’t fulfil your stomach and other desires. Problems had never left him. A bad career and a bad attitude were affecting his enduring marriage life. He was so busy in his own life things that he couldn’t have time for his wife. His presence became worthless in his house. His wife always kept waiting for him to share their things. They quarrelled many a times and sometimes he couldn’t resist showing all his resentments and frustration to her. It was getting worse. And then the time came when their marriage ended. No one wanted to but they had to. That was the only thing that he always had a fear of.

...........He still remembers the day of that interview, he still remembers the day of his marriage, he still when they get separated but above all he still remembers the look of the only girl he’s ever loved.
The only problem with human brain is that it doesn’t forget things that easily and he can’t live with all those remembrances.
He dies sitting on that same porch, waiting for that new sun to rise, with a smile on his face and a note in his hand.
It says, “I’ve lived my life with a remorse that I’ve haven’t got anything that I wanted. Maybe I am not sure with all my wanting. Not getting things is a different aspect but losing things is in your hand, all you need is to try for it. Maybe I didn’t try that honestly, I lost everything. Maybe I am not a lucky person. Maybe I am the one who couldn’t.....!”
His soul still lies on that porch waiting for that new sun to rise but now all it can see how this new sun brings changes in other lives.


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